My First Windows Phone 7 Application
This is a walkthrough on creating a sample RSS reader for Windows Phone 7 (WP7), make sure to check my previous post for some useful links on how to start developing for WP7 create a new Windows Phone List Application: this project template provides you with a sample application that contains two pages, the main page for displaying a list of items, when you click on one of the list items a nice transition takes you to the second page which displays the list items details we will use this sample list application as starting point for creating our RSS reader, we will have 3 pages, the first will have a list of RSS feeds, when we click on each feed we will go to the second page that contains a list of the items available in this feed, and when we click on a particular item we move to the third page which displays the feed item details let’s start by defining our data models, the Windows Phone List Application project template provides you with a sample view model classes in the ViewMode...