Surface 2.0 SDK Released
The long awaited Surface 2.0 SDK has been just released. to get started go to the new Surface Developer Center and download the SDK. Once downloaded and installed, start VS2010, you will find the Surface 2.0 project templates available Let’s create a sample application, I will create a simple twitter client (hopefully before scottgu creates it) let’s name it TwittSurf Once we created the project you will have the same project structure as you have in the Surface 1.0 version, let’s create our UI < s : SurfaceWindow x : Class ="TwittSurf.SurfaceWindow1" xmlns ="" xmlns : x ="" xmlns : s ="" Title ="TwittSurf" Loaded ="SurfaceWindow_Loaded" > < Grid > < s : ScatterView > < s : ScatterViewItem