My AspNet Chat Application Update

I updated the sample application that i created on CodeProject before to support mutiuser chat rooms, you can download the updated sample from here


Anonymous said…
while building your project it is giving me the error AMS.Web.remotescripting assembly reference is not found.
Anonymous said…
sorry for the previous comment now its running
but i m not able to can i do that??
Anonymous said…
can i know your email id so that i can contact you regarding more projects.actually i am planning to open a software company and i am having various resources for projects if you want to join me that do write ur email id and al other stuff like ur phone no. etc.ok
have a nice day
Anonymous said…

Good WebSite

Mosallem said…
You can debug the application as any other application, just make sure that the virtual directory of the application has Integrated windows authentication
Mosallem said…
My email:
Anonymous said…
this is chat will be guid of me in my project thak you very much
put some parts of code i cant understand like Ams and other functions

thank you
RLarisse said…
Nice project! I would to known how can I extend this project for a user be able to speak with the other user, private. Thank you!

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